Millennium Nucleus for the Development of Super Adaptable Plants 

Bernardo González, Ph.D. is a biochemist with a Ph.D in Biological Sciences from the Pontifical Catholic University of Chile (PUC) in 1988. Since 2009 he has been a full professor at the Faculty of Engineering and Sciences (FIC) of the Adolfo Ibáñez University, where he teaches undergraduate and graduate classes. He also belongs to the committee of the Doctorate in Complex Systems Engineering and to the Commissions of Academic Hierarchy of the FIC, Design and the UAI.

He has written about 100 publications, 250 scientific works and 30 research projects in Chile and abroad. He has directed more than 50 Bachelor’s theses, 10 Master’s theses, 20 Doctorate theses and tutored 10 postdoctoral researchers. He has been a scientific advisor to companies such as Celulosa Arauco and Agrosuper. At PUC he was a full professor and held various academic management positions. He is a member of numerous committees and commissions. At FONDECYT he was president of the Science Council.

ORCID 0000-0003-1711-1471