Millennium Nucleus for the Development of Super Adaptable Plants 


Problem we want to address:

Our society has an urgent need to develop innovative and sustainable solutions to feed a growing population in the context of global climate change (GCC) and land limitations. One of the main constraints for sustainable food production is nutrient availability, especially Nitrogen (N) and Phosphorus (P). While there is an unlimited resource for N in the atmosphere, the non-renewable nature of P resources (rock phosphate, Pi), demands changes in agricultural practices and especially the development of plants with improved Pi-acquisition and use efficiency to overcome the global Pi-deficit that is projected for the next 50 years.


Besides, agricultural systems often face different combinations of stress conditions (e.g. high-salinity, pest infestations, etc) as a consequence of the GCC. Hence, increased adaptability of crops and horticultural species is crucial to secure the growing demand for food production. One possibility to promote plant adaptation to these environmental challenges is the use of beneficial plant-associated microorganisms. Nevertheless, still limited knowledge of the molecular mechanisms underlying these interactions has hindered the possibility of using them as a sustainable and environmentally friendly solution in agriculture.

The Millennium Nucleus for the Development of Super Adaptable Plants (MN-SAP) will be a center of excellence in Plant Cell and Molecular Biology, Biotechnology and Plant Microbiology. Our main goal is to enhance plant productivity by improving Pi-uptake and translocation under different stressors and their combination. To achieve this, we propose to gather diverse approaches and synergistic team capabilities to produce fundamental knowledge. First, in the model plant Arabidopsis, and then transfer it to Tomato as a reliable model of fleshy fruit species. We propose to identify the most beneficial plant-microbe associations highlighting plant functions/genes to achieve enhanced Pi-uptake and translocation under these two stresses. Our long-term goal is to transfer knowledge from Arabidopsis and tomato (Micro-Tom) selected microbial communities to a fruit model plant by an integrative approach. We envision that the knowledge acquired in this project would be transferred in the future to breeders and growers to obtain super adaptable and highly resilient plants using a multidimensional perspective: using non-transgenic genome editing techniques, fast breeding techniques, and exploiting plant interactions with beneficial microorganisms. To the best of our knowledge, this approach has not been taken by any other millennium centers in Chile, as neither in Latin America.

MN-SAP team is composed of experts in plant root cell and molecular biology (Director José Estevez), soil microbiota, pathobiota, and insect interactions with plants (Alternate Director Dra. Francisca Blanco, and the Principal Researcher (PI) Dra. Josefina Poupin), plant genetics and omics-approaches (PI Dr. Claudio Meneses), plant physiology and productivity (PI Dr. Carlos Figueroa), and nutrient homeostasis in Plants (PI Andrea Vega and Ad. Ricardo Cabeza). Our MN-SAP team will have the support of three outstanding senior researchers (Dr. Ariel Orellana, Dr. Julio Salinas, and Dr. Bernardo Gonzalez) with a long trajectory in plant biology, plant stress, and microbiology, respectively. Our MN-SAP team has international recognition and has made significant discoveries in the fields of expertise covered in this proposal with the support of an excellent network of national and international well-known scientists and a Chilean agro-biotech company (SynergiaBIO). Finally, we have a very aspiring plan to develop the talent of new and young researchers as well as to positively impact our society and agriculture industry.

Our Team


Francisca Blanco


Claudio Meneses

Alternate Director

Carlos Figueroa

Associated Researcher

Simón Ruiz

Associated Researcher

Josefina Poupin

Associated Researcher

Andrea Vega

Associated Researcher


Ricardo Cabeza

Adjunct Researcher

Susana Saez

Adjunct Researcher

Thomas Ledger

Adjunct Researcher

José Estévez

Adjunct Researcher


Ariel Orellana

Senior Supporting

Bernardo González

Senior Supporting

Julio Salinas

Senior Supporting


Claudia Valdivia

Administration and Finance

Victoria Martínez

Science Communications and outreach coordinator



Research Line 1

To elucidate the underlying mechanisms associated with phosphate uptakeby Arabidopsis plants under multiple environmental stress conditions: salt, pest, andsalt/pest challenges.

We will use an unbiased approach (Genome-Wide Association Studies, GWAS) to identify genes regulating nutrient-sensing and uptake processes in plants. We will confront the plants to a combination of stresses: a) low-Pi (starvation condition), b) salt-stress (nutrient limiting factor), and c) pest-stress (Myzus persicae, an aphid model species that causes plant nutrient losses). Besides, we will reconstruct the underlying gene regulatory network associated with Pi acquisition and signaling in roots. This will allow us to understand the molecular basis of the plant response to low-Pi in more realistic scenarios, providing the foundations to generate plants better adapted to Pi-deficient soils in the presence of the tested stresses. Goal addressed by Dr. Estevez, Figueroa, Blanco, and Meneses.

Research Line 2

To maximize plant performance under lowPi and different stresses byintegrating productive microbial communities coupled to selected tomato geneticresources

A well-known capability of some soil microorganisms is that they can enhance plant nutrient acquisition. Different mechanisms have been proposed to explain the effects of such “biofertilizers” under laboratory conditions. However, their field application often leads to poor outcomes. In this goal, we propose identifying the most beneficial plant-microbe associations impacting tomato (Micro-Tom) Pi-acquisition in the context of abiotic/biotic stress. We will transfer the knowledge acquired from Arabidopsis (Goal 1) and use selected microbial communities in this fruit model by an integrative approach. Goal addressed by Dr. Estevez, Blanco, Poupin, Vega, Figueroa, Ruiz, and Meneses.