Millennium Nucleus for the Development of Super Adaptable Plants 

Dr. Susana Saez is a researcher working at The Center of Plant Biotechnology (CPB) (Centro de Biotecnología Vegetal, CBV) of the Andrés Bello University (UNAB).  In 2012 she obtained the title of Doctor in Plant’s Biology from the INRA institute in France. In the period 2013-2016, she realized as a Post-Doctoral Fellow in the Laboratory of Pr. Ariel Orellana CBV. Since 2016, she developed her research line based on the study of pectin synthesis and modification, using the Arabidopsis mucilage as a system model.

The major part of my scientific career has been focused on the study of cell wall polysaccharides structure (particularly pectins) founded in the Arabidopsis seed coat mucilage, with the aim to identify and understand the role of proteins on pectin biosynthesis and modifications.  The focus of my research is to clarify how the cell wall is formed in different species to apply the knowledge to, in a future, could developed new biotechnologies based on vegetal crops.


Fila superior (de izquierda a derecha): Dayan Sanhueza (Postdoc), Alejandra Salazar (estudiante de pregrado), Carol Leiva (estudiante de pregrado), Susana Grant (Postdoc), Pablo Sepúlveda (asistente de investigación), Sebastian Zuñiga (estudiante de pregrado).
Fila inferior (de izquierda a derecha): Benjamin Galleguillos (estudiante de pregrado), Allelen Fernández (asistente de investigación), Susana Sáez (Investigadora Adjunta), Allan Cortez (estudiante de doctorado).